Best Dental Clinic in Abu Dhabi

Best Dental Clinic in Abu Dhabi


Smile First Abu Dhabi

Restorative Dentistry

Some of the advantages associated with the restorative dentistry are diagnostic and preventive care like X-Rays, Cleanings and Oral Exams. Anesthetics and fillings are performed here and major restorative acre plans include crowns, bridges, and dentures Restorative dentistry processes are very important for filling up the empty spaces in the mouth and missing teeth making it quite easier to maintaining better habits of oral care hygiene to prevent the plaque build-up and its negative consequences. The role of restorative dentists can impact patients self-esteem, appearance and oral health.

Amalgam Restoration

Unfortunately, the use of this kind of metallic restoration is declining in private practices, to the extent that it’s no longer used in most dental clinics in Abu Dhabi. This could be due to several factors, for example, the difficulty and time involved in preparation of the cavity to receive the restoration, the requirement of expensive specialist equipment, or because of the metallic appearance of the amalgam. However, it also has a lot of advantages, its strength being the major one. Here at Smile First, we are one of the very few dental clinics in Abu Dhabi that still has the capability and equipment to use this kind of restoration, although we limit its use to those teeth found in the back of the mouth and which are under constant pressure.

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Our clinic provides high-level dental services,
offers comprehensive solutions for the treat-
ment of any dental disease.



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