Best Dental Clinic in Abu Dhabi
Advantages of Having Dental Implants When talking about having a replacement for your missing tooth, several factors are being considered on choosing a dental treatment that will suit for you. Time, budget and even the patients dental case affects on deciding what treatment to be done. However, one option that always stand out above other […]
Root Canal: Signs, Precautions and Treatment Root canal in Abu Dhabi, it is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from a tooth and replacing it with a filling material. Regularly, root canal treatment (RCT) is used to save a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted if left untreated. […]
What is Dental Crown? Why would I need it? Dental crowns, also called as tooth cap, is a tooth-shaped cap that is usually considered when talking about restoration of a broken or severely damaged tooth. Made out of different types of material, this prosthodontic dental treatment helps restore tooth`s shape, strength, and appearance. Dentists considers […]
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